Friday, September 29, 2017

In the shoes of a first nations person

First Nations people were the first people to live in what is now known as Canada. They lived of the land and formed it into the country we all call home. Without there impacts Canada would have a much different then what it is. If the Europeans had come to this land, and it was empty all of us would just be a clone of their motherland. The First Nations gave the country culture and taught the Europeans  everything they know now. Both civilizations did many things for each other without the knowledge of the first nations they would never have been able to survive the long winters.  They taught them how to live off the land and use everything they could. In the end the Europeans began to ignore their first Nations peoples and do things her own way it will lead Canada to be very different than what it was destined to be.  For example running out the bison population. 

 The first nations  how do you work hard to keep their culture going in  this changing land.  With new people new techniques the first Nations stay true to their culture but still use them as an asset to such as trading.  They were not always even trade but it was always a good deal in the first nations mind.  They have things they never seen before such as forks and guns.  As more and more Europeans came and it became more colonized if you can cover for the first nations to  keep their land and hunting areas.  They slowly became pushed out of their land and religious areas. their sacred lands were or now infested with the British. With use of  peace treaties they did agree upon first nations la nds, so In a way they did not really win but at least were not pushed out of their land completely.

They did there best to stay true to what they are always done.  Using every part of each animal, teaching their kids respect,  not over hunting,  and most importantly their religion.  Each young child learning how to do their part in the community in whatever way they like.  They were never told they couldn't do something, as a boy you could do anything I'll girl can do. And as a girl you could do anything with the males can do.  Young sure there would wonder from  station to station and learn different crafts and  stations.  They can spend as much time as little time as they want each area.  There is no pressure to pursue any specific "job". Even with sticker older if they're tired of hunting they could put a clean and prepare animals. 

 In conclusion the first Nations peoples had a very different culture  then the new inhabitants of the land, new culture, new rituals, and new tools.  While we did the first nations would not have  developed as quickly as the dude with the help of the new people's, one might say they would've had a better life  without this colonization. 2013, Gathering of Nations PowWow , GIF image, tumblr, Sept 2017,


  1. Jayden I like your blog because no one else has done of these ones yet so it stands out more. You explanation of the first nations peoples made of there lives was pretty good. I agree with pretty much all of your points you made. like for your first point, "Canada would be very different without the Europeans". If they never came to Canada or never have. I don't even know how advanced they would be or would they still been there technological era. it is true how the first nation are loosing there land because of all the people and new world views are getting rib of there culture. there isn't really anything that I wouldn't change about this post, I am not 100% sure if you were supposed to have quotes but if you were those could've gave you more marks. I like the short clip you have at the bottom of your blog, because it shows the first nations traditional dance and head dress.

  2. Hello Jayden, very cool blog !! It was very unique and different from the others which brought my attention to yours before anyone else’s. After reading your blog, I must say you did a great job !! I totally agree when u stated that the First Nations have made a huge impact on our country because, if the Europeans came first than yes things would definitely be different than they are now. I find it interesting how the Europeans decided to ignore the First Nations after they were kind enough to tell them everything they know. Kinda weird to think what our country would be like to this day if the Europeans came along before without the extra knowledge from our fellow First Nations !! Also, I really liked how you got into detail when talking about the Europeans and than British coming in on their very own land. It seems very unfair to the First Nations since they were there first but, I’m glad to know they didn’t get pushed out completely !!! It makes me happy how you included that the children were learning to do their part in helping the community, the way they wanted because they were never told they couldn’t do something. Great point on talking about how the gender doesn’t matter. I find that very important because a child doesn’t need to feel judged or not good enough because of their gender. Which, I find amazing because it gives the children a chance to make a choice for themselves and not mention a good starting point that shows that, all are equal. I don’t think I would change anything about this blog as you have great information and points but, i think maybe a few quotes would have made it even better !!! Although, I really like your clip at the bottom because it shows the First Nations in their traditional dress !!!


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